Goodness Collective

Fortnightly on Mondays, 10:30am - 12 noon

If you’re interested in wellbeing and living better then there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy the fortnightly Goodness Collective sessions.

As a psychotherapist with over 10 years experience I have acquired A LOT of knowledge, skills and resources that I want to share! The Goodness Collective is an idea that I have been working on for years, and this year it finally came to life. I’m passionate about bringing people together and sharing ideas and knowledge that’ll help us to live more full and meaningful lives, and the Goodness Collective aims to do just that.

Each fortnight we choose a theme or a topic for the session and use that as a starting point for our meandering, musing or journaling (and tea-drinking!).

Treat yourself to some me-time and join us - The sessions are free :)

NB - the sessions are not group therapy and are not a substitute for therapy.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about the Goodness Collective then check out my instagram/DM me @navigationforliving or drop me a message at


  • 17 June 2024 (3rd birthday celebrations!!)
  • 1, 15 & 29 July 2024
  • 12 & 26 August 2024
  • 9 & 23 September 2024